HARDCHITEPTURE 07.nov 2024—28.dec 2024

HARDCHITEPTURE 07.nov 2024—28.dec 2024

Hardchitepture is an artistic collective active since 2019, composed of Lorenzo Conforti, Andrea Luzi, and Vittorio Zeppillo. Born during their studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino, Hardchitepture's research originates in Graffiti Writing and then branches out into different artistic practices. These practices range from environmental and scenic installations made from recycled materials to site-specific sculptural works created exclusively with organic material. They also engage in collaborative experiences in the theatrical and performative realms.

The exhibition by HARDCHITEPTURE will be part of "FARE COLLETTIVO," the fourth exhibition schedule of Platea | Palazzo Galeano.  Il programma di Platea  aims to explore the phenomenon of artistic collectives, asking the invited artists about the reasons for forming collectives and the needs for cooperative spaces. Through four exhibitions, a publication, and a series of events, Platea configures itself as a place of investigation, involving the public and schools.

RM will inaugurate the program in March 2024, followed by MRZB, EXTRAGARBO, and HARDCHITEPTURE. All of this will be accompanied by a publication curated by the Genoese collective Palazzo Bronzo, which will interrogate collective processes and dynamics, aiming for a documentary coagulation of the realities involved in the research.

On the occasion of personal and collective exhibitions and events, we recall:: The fifth rotation of the Earth Traffic Festival ed.5, a collective exhibition curated by Traffic, Loretello (PU).Picnic on the roadside, a collective exhibition (workshop restitution) curated by EXIT, Adiacenze, Bologna (2023). SSSST festival of workshops and performative practices, curated by EXIT, Prati di Caprara, Bologna (2022). Mal d’uve, a collective exhibition (residence restitution) curated by Beatrice Roggero Fossati, Arianna Tremolanti, Alessia Baranello, Nizza Monferrato (AL) (2022). UVA Residency, curated by Beatrice Roggero Fossati, Arianna Tremolanti, Alessia Baranello, Nizza Monferrato (AL) (2022). Thirteenth generation, , a rite of passage for people in transit, performance in collaboration with Ludovico Paladini, Inteatro Festival, Polverigi (AN) (2022). Participation in the project Curatela offresi, curated by Arianna Desideri; a project presented within the exhibition curated by Isit magazine, Spazio In Situ, Rome (2021). The fumes of the furnace, a collective exhibition curated by the Congerie Association, Valle Cascia (MC) (2020)




Platea Palazzo Galeano:
Corso Umberto 46, Lodi, 26900
Platea Project:
Via Maddalena 3, Lodi, 26900 (open by appointment only)

email: info@platea.gallery
whatsapp: +39 351 149 8258