Extragarbo 12.sep 2024—31.oct 2024

Extragarbo 12.sep 2024—31.oct 2024

Extragarbo is a collective and platform for artistic and curatorial production founded in 2019 in Venice by Est Coulon, Cosimo Ferrigolo, Gaia Ginevra Giorgi, Edoardo Lazzari, Leonardo Schifino, Theresa Maria Schlichtherle, and Giusy Guadagno. The project stems from the sharing of heterogeneous research and practices on the languages of performing and scenic arts. Extragarbo defines itself as a hybrid entity, a support system, and a promotion platform for projects conceived by its members and for their collaborations. The variety of aesthetics and formats united under this name constitute a prismatic identity bound by the sharing of desires and a solid political stance. The vectors and lines of tension guiding the collective projects of its members intersect relevant themes not only on the aesthetic-artistic level but also on the socio-cultural plane, such as the status of artists, the local dimension in relation to public space through situated projects, and self-education as a political practice of sharing the specific needs of different communities. The resulting projects can be laboratory and assembly devices of self-determination, festivals, and relational and dialogical habitats. Over the years, Extragarbo's work has attracted the interest of personalities and contexts of international relevance, and its interventions have appeared in publications such as Performance + Curatela (Luca Sossella Editore, 2021), Training for the Future (Sternberg Press, 2021), TURBA Magazine (Berghahn Books, 2022), Civitonia (NERO Editions, 2022).

Extragarbo's exhibition will be part of "FARE COLLETTIVO," the fourth exhibition schedule of Platea | Palazzo Galeano.  Il programma di Platea  aims to explore the phenomenon of artistic collectives, asking the invited artists about the reasons for forming collectives and the needs for cooperative spaces. Through four exhibitions, a publication, and a series of events, Platea configures itself as a place of investigation, involving the public and schools.

RM will inaugurate the program in March 2024, followed by MRZB, EXTRAGARBO, and HARDCHITEPTURE. All of this will be accompanied by a publication curated by the Genoese collective Palazzo Bronzo, which will interrogate collective processes and dynamics, aiming for a documentary coagulation of the realities involved in the research.

Among the supported and realized artistic projects are Fin che ci trema il cuore (2022), Wash your art, wash your city (2021), Acabadabra (2021), Call Monica (2021), rovìnati (2021). In terms of curatorial projects, there are "S.A.F.E." (Palazzo Grassi – Punta della Dogana, 2021), "Training for the Future" (with Sale Docks, Florian Malzacher, and Jonas Staal), "Disabitare" (various locations, 2020), "Isole Querelas" (Santarcangelo Festival 2020), and "Il Divertimento per li Regazzi" (various locations, 2019).




Platea Palazzo Galeano:
Corso Umberto 46, Lodi, 26900
Platea Project:
Via Maddalena 3, Lodi, 26900 (open by appointment only)

email: info@platea.gallery
whatsapp: +39 351 149 8258